Sex toys are re-used on porn sets??


Are you fucking serious? You cheap disgusting pigs who run this diabolical industry living off the backs of these performers spend more money on your fucking cars and sending your children to private school but you don’t have the decency to spend a few dollars on new sex toys for these women?? These are the women who support your livelihoods while many of them walk away from this industry with less money than when they entered it.

Former porn star Neesa left the industry four years ago after the used sex toy incident. She also says the worst moment while in porn and in her life was being raped by Max Hardcore. After the rape, Neesa tested positive for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea in the throat. There was no anal or vaginal intercourse because her HIV test WASN’T READY YET. She went to Sharon Mitchell and Sharon called her a liar and was extremely rude to her. Neesa alleges that AIM only cares about money and believed Max over her because he was a large client of theirs.

Neesa still suffers from health issues after being infected. She went to school studying to be a dental assistant and is now trying to find a job. You can read more of Neesa’s story at Neesa also made this Youtube video talking about what she went through while in the industry.

I worked in porn for 10 years with breaks in between. My work name was Neesa and I did about 27 movies. My last shoot was November 2006. It was a very abusive, frightening and unsanitary experience for me. They reuse dirty sex toys all the time on porn sets. Most of the time, the companies don’t want to purchase a new sex toy. Which start at $10. That’s how cheap they are. I always saw girls that had sore vaginas. We would want to take a bigger break to try to regain our composure after enduring painful scenes, but the directors, camera men, etc., would stress that they “needed to get of there as soon as possible”. And the company wouldn’t want them to have to pay their employees extra time. So, most the time, there wasn’t time for a shower to take after shoots. Not to mention doing shoots on couches that they used for other shoots. I doubt they paid to clean it after each time it got used.

In the worst scene and moment of my life, I was raped and verbally and mentally abused while making a video with Max Hardcore. It was the most horrible and degrading experience I ever had. I was in complete shock and horror. After that scene was shot, I got tested at AIM (Adult Industry Medical Clinic). I was horrified to find out that I was positive with Chlamydia/Gonorrhea in the throat. We didn’t have vaginal or anal sex because my HIV test wasn’t ready yet. So he insisted on an oral scene and right after that scene I tested positive for the two STD’s. I called Dr. Sharon Mitchell to let her know. She asked Max to come in and test. I’m sure she told him which girl, and what the diseases were, even before he came in. Of course he would take Zithromax before he got retested as Sharon wouldn’t want to lose one of her biggest clients. They care about money. That’s it. Sharon Mitchell called me after he tested and called me a liar. “He didn’t give it to you. His test came back negative”. She said in a rude, ambivalent manner. This is the clinic that claims to keep us safe. It’s a joke.

This entry was posted in AIM, crime, Max Hardcore, Neesa, Opinion-Editorial, porn news, porn star, religion, retirement, sexual assault, Sharon Mitchell, Shelley Lubben, STDs. Bookmark the permalink.

23 Responses to Sex toys are re-used on porn sets??

  1. Is that Neesa in the picture? She’s really pretty. I’ve seen used toys being used on sets also. More than once. At least have girls bring their own toys or something. Problem solved if it’s a money spent on production issue.

  2. Amber says:

    Yes, this is not new. The women in this industry need to step up say say that this is not ok. It’s a sad situation for the girls who are too scared to say something and speak up. Hopefully stories like these will be used as cautionary tales and people will learn from other’s misfortunes.

  3. Kelli says:

    Not every set re-uses sex toys. But you know if there are low budget production companies doing this say NO. Actually say HELL NO. That is just beyond nasty and beyond not acceptable.

    SPEAK UP GIRLS. If any of you allow this to happen to you, you are knowingly putting yourself in harms way for a few bucks. Trust me, it’s not worth it. Not considering that you can get a cheap vibe to use for like $10. Is your life not worth $10?

    I can’t begin to tell you the bacteria that piles up on a sex toy. Plus how do you know it wasn’t dropped on the floor with sex juices from another girl on it and then dirt from the floor was picked up. Blah anyway. Just remember that you are the only person in the world that you can trust to be responsible for your health and well being.

    Speak up. Even if that means in the end you have to spend the money to buy your own sex toy on the set or you have to walk off the job because seriously, do you want to work with a company like that anyway?

  4. That cleaner is for hard surfaces. That toy appears to be a lifelike material, which is porous.

  5. Chris says:

    I hear what you’re saying and I agree that studios who don’t give girls new sex toys are fucking assholes. It’s unacceptable. However, directors get away with the shit they do because the girls let them. Girls need to stand up for themselves and refuse to do a scene if basic hygiene isn’t being followed.

    Secondly, Belladonna had her own line of sex toys. Why does she need to clean sex toys and re-use them? It wouldn’t cost her shit to use new toys. The glass ones are actually easy to clean and sterilize, but all the other ones should be new.

    One thing I’ve noticed about John Stagliano is that he always gives girls brand new toys still in the package for their scene. I don’t know if he always does, but I’ve seen him do it dozens of times.

  6. Chris says:

    Another thing I don’t get is how she can claim to have been “shocked” by the rape and mental abuse she suffered at the hands of Max Hardcore. Had she never seen a Max Hardcore movie? That’s what he does. It’s no secret.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m no defender of Max Hardcore. I think his movies are fucked up and I think he’s a creepy motherfucker. I’ve met him a few times and he creeps me out.

    All I’m saying is that you don’t do a scene with Max Hardcore unless you enjoy getting beat up physically, mind fucked, verbally abused, and probably pissed and puked on. I just don’t see how you can volunarily do a Max Hardcore scene with Max doing what he does and then claim rape after the fact. You can say you didn’t know what you were getting into and your agent didn’t make it clear what was going to happen, etc. But rape? I’m not sure about that.

  7. Darrah Ford says:

    Kylie Ireland brings her own sex toys because of allergic reactions and one girl still picked the wrong one and Kylie ran off the set in pain:

    YES! Porn is glamourous and empowering for women.

    Maybe the woman aren’t told they’re used. Maybe the pornographers are sadists and want the scene to be the women in pain after playing with dirty sex toys. or maybe the woman want to go home to get their own and they’re told they can’t because there’s no time and the scene has to be shot now.

    The directors/producers could very easily tell the women ahead of time to bring their own. So that’s why I think there’s something more sinister behind this where the women end up using dirty sex toys.

    Chris, Rebeca Linares never knew who Max was, she couldn’t speak English, and was never told by her manager who took her to the hotel room (where he left her there and walked away) who max was and his reputation.

    Roxy Jezel says max attacked her too:

    hi my name is roxy jezel, and i once did a scene with max hardcore, who is an evil, manipulitive paedophile.

    To answer some of your questions, i totally believe that felicity was brought to max, despite not even doing anal. Because my scene with him was just a blow job, and a memory i wish to never remember.I dont like dick nasty, he is an old pervert, who tries to fuck you even when the camera isnt rolling, total sleaze.

    what you saw on that documentary was all real and true!!!! that is what he is like, he is so nice to you and as soon as the camera rolls he turns into a evil, misoginistic bastard. He held me in that max position on the sofa, and i was kicking and buckingf to get him off me, and he held my arms down so i couldnt get free. i was covered in my own salavia and bile, and couldnt open my eyes, i was in shock, and scared, and then he pissed on me, that was never agreed upon, i think thats so gross. The reason he has so many new comers, on his movies is beause they dont know any better, i didnt know, who he is, or what his movies entail. They havent done enough scenes to know they never have to work for him, and if you have a crappy agent like dick nasty, who only gets you the lowest of low, type work, you are innocent and naive when you enter the industry. But most girls dont want to admit this espechailly when something this tramatic happens to us, we just carry on, and learn. But some girls, they experience him as an intro into the business and are traumatised and never do it again. they arent just prostitutes from the street. not that i think anyway. After he gets you to do a disclaimer on video saying that you agreed to do this, and you are so in shock, and dont want to process what just really took place, you are filled with shame that you let this happen, that you just say what he tells you too. I cried for 2 days after what he did, i felt so stupid and disgusting, he knew he did wrong, he told me it would be a simple easy blowjob scene, he exact words, that wasnt an ordinary scene. My agent derek from Direct models called him and shgouted at him, and he paid me $1000 extra to say sorry, he knew he was wrong. Now4 years later im a contract girl for clubjenna and i would tell any girl entering the industry to nver work for him, and to get a good agent, not dick nasty.

    Posted by Roxy Jezel on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 – 12:57 AM

    And the women who do know his reputation might not believe it or they might think they can handle the situation but then it goes horribly bad. One industry insider told a forum once how he saw the video of a woman being raped by Max on set and the cameramen & crew just stood there watching. One cameraman put down his camera and left the set. The industry insider said the woman was screaming, crying, begging for help, and Max sat on her face and shit on her.

  8. Amber says:

    Paul Little Is exactly where he deserves to be. I would say I hope he gets the same treatment in prison that he callously doled out to women, but from some of his earlier videos I’ve seen, he would probably like it. He has such inadequacy issues. Probably because he is a completely inadequate human being with a damaged soul, and he gets it. He gets that he is inferior in every way. That’s why he is such an angry little man, a term which I use very loosely regarding this scumbag. I’d like to meet his mother. And then I’d like to pee on her.

  9. iwasthere says:

    Yes, sex toys are re-used on sets, although saavy girls bring their own. The saavy types have a fairly extensive collection of toys so they are not put in the position of having to use a toy that has been hanging about the set. Talent will usually not balk at a reused toy on set, because they do not want to be seen as uncooperative or difficult and, of course, want to get paid for the scene.

  10. Neesa says:

    Thanks for this write up Darrah Ford.I have never heard of your editorials until this.Anyone who has questions about this can watch my youtube vids.I made about 7 on the max hardcore issue.I am no longer answering questions about the Max topic bcause,i answer all your questions.Esp. the dumb ones,in those vids.Neesa. the FORMER porn actress

  11. Darrah Ford says:

    Hope you’re doing well! Don’t listen to the haters. Take care of yourself.

  12. apples_are_oranges says:

    (deleted by Darrah)

  13. apples_are_oranges says:

    Damn, I’m forgetting to check out my old posts to see whether or not they’re OK. :-p

    The perfect porn for me would be: Max forcing Darrah, Neesa and Shelley lubben to drink his piss all at the same time while slapping the shit out of them! Of course, it would take an enormous bladder, so I think the entire camera crew should participate as, err, pissants. :-). Also, they should be all instructed to consume nothing but beer and asparagus for a week before the shoot.

  14. Darrah Ford says:

    What did you say? I forgot now. lol I rarely edit or delete. So it must have been bad. 😀

  15. apples_are_oranges says:

    I don’t quite remember, but I believe it was considerably softer than what I just said here. 🙂

    Probably about how Neesa seems like a big fat liar to me, given the expression of pure joy on her face as she drank mouthful after mouthful of Max’s urine. I saw some behind-the-scenes footage where she goes to take a shower after the shooting, and there’s no slightest sing of distress on her face.

    So, drinking piss for money is exactly what I want to see her do. Until she loses her looks.

  16. Darrah Ford says:

    It’s called acting.

    Did you think that POSSIBLY she consented to everything before but didn’t that time when everything went to hell?

  17. apples_are_oranges says:

    So, Neesa was “acting” with a dick shoved down her throat while urine unexpectedly flowing down her throat, and she was – unexpectedly – in the middle of receiving the traumatic experience of a lifetime? If that’s the case, then she’s more than an Oscar worthy actress, she should be rewarded in Cannes. In other words, the whole idea of “acting” is complete bullshit.

    Was she traumatized by her experience with Max? I’m sure she was, considering that she still keeps going on about it. Should Max be held responsible? I say no. It’s not in Max’s tradition to edit much out, and judging by the video, she did nothing to let him know she was in distress (apart from just one “hold on”). And then you have that exit interview.

    Now, AFTER she left the set she probably realized how much the whole situation fucked her up, and started to blame Max for everything. While in reality, she should only blame herself.

  18. Darrah Ford says:

    She could have consented that time but not the next time. Wives are raped all the time by their husbands. But many pay no attention to it because she consented to him before, obviously if they’re married. But that doesn’t mean she wants to be with him whenever the hell he wants. Same case in porn also. Just because consent happened before doesn’t mean it’s consent every single time. No means no regardless if she consented before and regardless if she’s a porn star.

  19. apples_are_oranges says:

    There WAS no “next time”, Neesa only did one video with Max, and from her entire behavior in it, it’s apparent that WHILE the shoot lasted, she consented completely to what happened. She only started having second thoughts when it was too late, and it didn’t matter anymore. So, again, Max is not to blame.

    The husband/wife analogy is completely random and irrelevant here. The better one would be a one night stand when the girl starts to feel like a slut after it’s over, and starts harassing the guy with abusive phonecalls – if he was stupid enough to leave her with his phone number.

    By the way, I’m in the middle of watching Neesa’s YouTube videos on Max, and it’s far more torturous than whatever she claims to have gone through with Max. She rambles on and on about how “we don’t know” what she went through, never tells us what exactly it was, keeps going on about how “she doesn’t care” about what anybody has to say only to proceed to tell us that she appreciates each and every comment. Seems like she is definitely a few cans short of a sixpack – and was that way long before she met Max. 😀

    She did look really pretty in her video with him, though – for once in her life. And she is one of the best piss drinkers in business.

  20. Darrah Ford says:

    Maybe Max invests a lot in great editors to piece together a video that looks like she’s enjoying it. I don’t know. But there’s a dozen other women I can name that have worse experiences when they were with him.

  21. apples_are_oranges says:

    Really? From where I stand, it seems like Max and his editing crew do their utmost to make it look like the girl are NOT enjoying it – which is the whole concept behing his pretend-rape approach. Key word “pretend”.

    Sure, go on, name them. But can you provide anything to prove it? Legal documents, quotes, etc.?

    We all know the stories with Rebeca Linares and Roxy Jezel, and I believe they’re authentic. But “a dozen women”? Methinks doth exaggeratheth. 😀

  22. Qwe says:

    The problem is that it comes down to believing the word of one complete head-case(Neesa) vs another complete head-case(Max)…
    ’till a court convicts Max of this “rape”, I’ll agree with ApplesareOranges very probable scenario…

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