The Ginger Lee “Weinergate” scandal


I’m not a political person and I’m late to this whole Anthony Weiner scandal where he tweeted a woman on his Twitter a picture of his crotch. But now a porn star is involved! So now it’s news. New York Democrat Anthony D. Weiner is screwed. The married Representative thinks he’s like all of us who can make idiots of ourselves on Twitter and get away with it. Wrong!

“Weinergate” started when Anthony Weiner sent college student Gennette Cordova this picture of his crotch via his Twitter. Now porn star Ginger Lee is involved after they both allegedly sent private messages to each other on Twitter.

Ginger has this odd crush on Weiner where she’s even blogged about him on her Tumblr. On March 13th, she posted this tweet saying that Weiner had sent her a private message:

“You know it’s a good day when you wake up to a DM from @RepWeiner. (I’m a fangirl, y’all, he’s my trifecta of win.)”

Ginger’s original statement was given to The Daily Caller where she says:

“I haven’t met Rep Weiner. I follow him on twitter because I support him & what he stands for,” Lee said in an email to TheDC. “I have been hounded by his political opponents but that hasn’t changed my view of him and what he fights for.”

The Daily Mail also reports that Ginger had also tweeted the following:

“He thanked me for the shout-outs and said he likes my blog. (I died a little inside…in a good way.)”

This entry was posted in Anthony Weiner, Ginger Lee, news, Opinion-Editorial, porn news, porn star. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to The Ginger Lee “Weinergate” scandal

  1. frog404 says:

    Made all the that much better because his name is Weiner. What a douche bag.

    During the whole health care reform catostrophe last year, this guy actually wanted the government to take over and just start running the health insurance industry. Not just that “public option” thing where government was supposed to compete with private industry on a supposedly level playing field. But, this guy actually wanted government insurance to be the only option. He wanted it so that if you want health care, you have to go through the government to get it.

  2. eric says:

    Getting a DM is customary from many people, even athletes and entertainers. If you follow Sophie Dee and Chanel Preston, you get a quick follow, a DM thanking you for the follow and then they unfollow. And that is what Weiner did, only followed Ginger for that brief moment. Again, where’s the scandel Darrah? And btw, if Senator Vieter from Louisiana can pay for dozens of hookers and be easily re-elected, then I think Weiner will be just fine.

  3. frog says:

    The scandal is that a lot of people don’t want their representative showing everybody a picture of his penis making a bulge in his underwear or talking to porn whores on the internet, and now Weiner has to go try to get those people to vote for him.

    Whether or not Vitter overcame his scandal and was re-elected doesn’t mean it wasn’t a scandal to begin with…

    But, point taken, you’re not offended by any of it. The only reason I’m offended is it’s a really stupid thing for a politician to do. It just makes him look like a moron.

    The thing is, politicians have to appeal to a wide swath of people. That’s why their public personalities are always these plastic facades. Their personas are more a brand than anything else.

    I personally don’t care how far they go in marketing their brand, but post pictures of your penis in your underwear is just moronic. The guy shouldn’t be re-elected just because he’s a moron.

    Whether he’s familiar with Twitter or not, the guy should know not to show everybody pictures like that. For a politician, it’s just common sense.

    Did this guy at least apologize for being so stupid?

  4. draa says:

    I apologize for my comment on DKos Darrah. I left a message here in hopes that you’ll see it.

    Actually I’m not sure how I feel about the whole scandal. I was just upset that after it had been reported as a likely set-up, by a great majority of the internet, you decided to continue to run with this smear. I quote from your own blog “Weiner is screwed. The married Representative thinks he’s like all of us who can make idiots of ourselves on Twitter and get away with it. Wrong!” You post this even though many sources were saying otherwise on the 3rd. Why not check to see if it was true? Or give him the benefit of the doubt? In other words “he was set-up” so why push the shit like this that you say you don’t agree with? Or, how about a retraction in this blog since? Or an apology to Weiner? Nothing!!! No mention of a set-up or redgoat’s part in it at all. Silence on Darrah Ford’s blog. Why? Or, at the very least, why not be a little more objective with what you print to begin with? We are talking about a sitting US congressman after all. And you continued to push this lie without vetting anything. Why? It seemed to many of us that you were still pushing redgoat’s and the Rightwing’s lies. That seem suspious unless you’re doing the bidding for these ratfuckers. I certainly hope your not though because redgoat and friends have stepped into something they don’t understand.

    You have my e-mail with this post. I hope you will e-mail and let me know you’ve seen this. Again, I apologize, but I think you need more vetting of your blog postings. John.

  5. Darrah Ford says:

    That was you that left the comment on DailyKos? lol It’s okay. We all get heated at times when commenting on subjects we feel passionate about.

    I only talked about the story because Ginger Lee’s name got put into it. I still don’t know the entire story and am trying to read as much as I can on it since the past couple of days.

    I didn’t know about Redgoat’s involvement at all when I wrote that Ginger post.

    I continued to push the lie? I only wrote one post and thought that would be the end of it. I don’t run much political news on here unless it involves porn in some way.

    Pushing Redgoat and the Rightwing’s lies? I hate Redgoat!! You don’t know our history and how I despise him. I’m also a Democrat.

  6. draa says:

    Yeah, I realized that you had him up on the blog after I commented lol. Great seeing his mug like that. And yes, I do know some of the history between you two from reading up on it last night. He’s an asshole who stepped into it this time though. I almost feel sorry for his worthless ass… almost.

    As far as Dem or Repub goes, personally that doesn’t matter to me. I was a Republican a few years back and I would feel the same way regardless. Shit like this is why Politics are so fucked today IMO. Nobody gives a shit what’s true anymore. It’s about whether their side wins. Total bullshit when so many are struggling to just survive.

    Please e-mail me because I have some more questions about another person you know on Twitter. It’s not that I think anything’s wrong, I’m just trying to clear some things up with regards to their possible involvement with Stack. I’d rather not air it out in the open though, and nothing will go beyond me if you don’t want it to. I wouldn’t have come back to apologize if I wasn’t sincere so think about it please. If you decline, I’ll understand. Thanks Darrah. John.

  7. frog404 says:


    It seemed to many of us that you were still pushing redgoat’s and the Rightwing’s lies.

    So draa, now that it turns out it wasn’t “redgoat’s and the Rightwing’s lies”, you are going to do your own mea culpa about being so defensive over the story? That’s what you asked out of Darrah when you were so convinced she was wrong. Or, you’re going to do like a typical lefty and make a different excuse for Weiner making such a jackass out of himself?


    I apologize for my comment on DKos Darrah. I left a message here in hopes that you’ll see it.

    How can you read that DailyKos shit? It’s all just championing anything Democratic without any regard to foibles their policies may contain… If Democrat or Republican doesn’t matter to you, how are you able stomach the propaganda that is put out by that web site?

    I looked at it today and there’s actually some rationalization about Weiner’s actions that’s like, “well, lying is a part of adultery, you can’t really expect anything else…” But, what else could you expect from a site that’s only purpose is to rally the mindless in favor of Democrats?

  8. Darrah Ford says:

    Yes I’ll email soon. I was in a Twitter war last night and it lasted way too long.

  9. Darrah Ford says:

    I could care less if consenting adults are tweeting. Who gives a fuck and it’s a private matter between the people involved & his wife.

    They should look into this and the harassment of underage girls on Twitter:

  10. Darrah Ford says:

    Getting a DM is customary from many people, even athletes and entertainers. If you follow Sophie Dee and Chanel Preston, you get a quick follow, a DM thanking you for the follow and then they unfollow. And that is what Weiner did, only followed Ginger for that brief moment. Again, where’s the scandel Darrah? And btw, if Senator Vieter from Louisiana can pay for dozens of hookers and be easily re-elected, then I think Weiner will be just fine.

    I only wrote about if because Ginger’s name got put into it. I could care less about this or Weiner. It’s a porn news story because it involved Ginger at first & then later with Redgoat.

  11. Xam says:

    Too late ginger, you should have jumped on that before lol, although he didn’t stand for much before I guess…

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